Become An Expert Fact-Checker

When reading an online article with a medical claim, follow these steps and become your own medical fact-checker expert:

  1. Are there any references mentioned in the article? Reject articles that are not based on any scientific data. Read more…
  2. If there are references, click on them and make sure they are legitimate.
  3. Make sure the researches cited in the article are NOT laboratory or animals studies. Why? Because many studies that were successful in the laboratory or on animals have failed in humans. Read more…
  4. The best researches to rely on are those conducted on a large number of humans. Why? Because larger studies are statistically more reliable.
  5. The human subjects of the research should have the exact same condition and demographic as you. For example look for large researches that are done on patients with your exact condition and preferably the same sex and ethnicity. Why? Because men and women have different diseases and respond differently to many substances.
  6. Alternatively, you can always ask for our help in fact-checking a claim. Use the form in the Ask Us page to to send any link you want fact-checked.