Natural ways to control blood pressure or blood sugar

Unfortunately, blood pressure or diabetes control is way more complicated than “use this recipe and stop taking your medication”. Websites like this (1,2) oversimplify problems that should never be oversimplified. Doctors constantly have patients who had their chronic disease under control using medications, but then decided to change to unproven “herbal” or “natural” remedies. These patients usually come back later with years of uncontrolled blood pressure or high blood sugar that have permanently damaged their organs.

Most websites that claim to provide “natural” or “herbal” remedies for high blood pressure, use garlic as their main ingredient. Garlic is a known blood pressure reducer (3). However, doctor don’t prescribe raw or powdered garlic because it is hard to adjust the dose. There is currently not enough scientific evidence on how to control blood pressure using garlic.

Herbal remedies for diabetes can be extremely dangerous. Blood sugar should not be controlled by unprofessionals because there are many ways that it could go wrong. As an ER physician I have had experience with patients on the verge of death because they decided to treat their diabetes using unproven herbal medicine.

  3. Xiong XJ, Wang PQ, Li SJ, Li XK, Zhang YQ, Wang J. Garlic for hypertension: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Phytomedicine. 2015 Mar 15;22(3):352-61. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2014.12.013. Epub 2015 Feb 4.

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